Friday, July 16, 2010

Taco Salad

In some ways, taco salad is even more fabulous than stir fry. Unless you make your own refried beans, which is easy and fast, it involves only a bit of knife work and some washing of vegetables. Tonight's included red leaf lettuce, tomatoes, scallions, corn off the cob, onion sprouts, cheddar cheese, refried beans, and a small handful of tortilla chips. It was definitely fit for a payday celebration!


  1. Grandma Liz says the dark mass on the right hand side appears to be a frog. Please assure us that this is not the case. We find this blog commendable, yet dissatisfying as we have not yet received our ice cream cake roll in the mail.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I have received your ice cream cake roll in the mail. This is probably because I also go by Anonymous. Please send me some dry ice if you want a cake roll in the mail.

    The dark mass on the right looks more like a sting ray to me. I promise the frog died a quick and painless death.

  3. You people's comments about the dark mass are taking away from the urgency of eating that very delicious-looking taco salad! I want one delivered to my door within the next 15 minutes! Please!! Nora de Nora, Private Detective

  4. The Chief Senora del CamposAugust 6, 2010 at 3:45 PM

    NdN- That very delicious-looking taco salad was eated a long time ago! Please to estop making unreasonable demands!
