Friday, July 2, 2010

Butterscotch Brownies

My friend made a very wise decision to not hang out with me tonight because today was one of those days at work and I needed chocolate. Apparently I'm a bad influence on her. :P (Good thing she doesn't know I made the brownies in cereal bowls) She made the right decision. And more for me!

(the lumps are chocolate chips :) )

Tonight's experiment demonstrated 4 things:
1. Butterscotch chips SINK guys, they SINK! So don't expect that if you put them on top of the batter they'll melt and make you butterscotch frosting.

2. Butterscotch chips actually just plain SUCK at melting. Even in the microwave. Next time I'll spread the paste on the second the brownies come out of the oven so they're hotter and can melt the paste more effectively (tonight it didn't really melt at all, but it was still delicious).
 (it looks like cake but itsnot!)

3. More cakey brownies are easy (just add a tablespoon or two of extra flour) but know that this dilutes the cocoa, so also add more cocoa.
4. Last but not least, you can totally make brownies in cereal bowls (it helps if you're making a half-batch like I was). (Is my college student really showing that much? It was a small batch!)

To Whom It (yes we need to capitalize It when it refers to brownies!) May Concern:
When you come to eat stew, please take these away from me.

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