Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Like a Hole in my Head

Like a hole in my head I needed an ice cream maker. Like a hole in my head I need to keep the freezer bowl in the freezer so I can make ice cream whenever. (Like a hole in my head it needed to be this muggy out!) Like a hole in my head I needed to just invent 3-ingredient delectable chocolate ice cream that anyone can make at any time.

This is the kind of thing you eat as it's freezing, half milkshake, half ice cream. Only on February 31st is it possible for it to actually survive the night in the freezer without getting devoured before bedtime. Do not plan to serve this to dinner guests. It'll be like how the conversation would go if you asked for more pictures.

Dinner guests: Where's the ice cream you raved about?
(Giovanni: Where's the ice cream I'm supposed to photograph?)

You: What ice cream!?

Recipe: Into your already spinning freezer bowl (start it spinning before adding ingredients to reduce the amount of ingredients that freezes to the surface of the bowl and doesn't get mixed properly), put 1.5 c half and half, 1/4 c white sugar, and 1/4 c cocoa powder. Monitor it to make sure not to much freezes to the bowl too quickly. (This is also why you can't make half this much, like I originally intended to: you need enough liquid to cover the blade or the spinning won't actually mix anything.) Beat the balls of cocoa power with a spatula or the back of a spoon to break them up, if necessary.  Don't bother trying to restrain yourself from eating half of it while it's spinning; resistance is futile.

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