Monday, September 6, 2010

Espaghetti Esquash

Good luck cutting the guy open. I wondered if just throwing it at a tarp would have been easier and safer. Our esquash was extremely estubborn. In revenge, I scraped out (with a big espoon), all it's flesh and seeds. Its seeds I further tortured with washing, oiling, and salting, and then baking at 300 F for about 15 minutes (stirring every 5 minutes). Yummy!

After my esnack, I eslathered the esquash with olive oil and s&p and baked it at 350 for what was supposed to be 40 minutes (cut side down) and ended up being a secret, due to the fact that oven didn't tell me when it beeped and then kept right on cooking. (The nerve!!!) When you take it out, you see that magic has happened:

You can pull on the flesh and, viola, estrings!

At this point, you can do many things: eat it plain, throw it at the ceiling, feed it to the dog (the dogs in this particular kitchen didn't deserve any...) but I cooked it in some sauteed garlic and leftover tomato sauce (which I was too lazy to post about; sorry) with some sherry. It basically looked and tasted just like regular espaghetti, so I'll have to do this again sometime for further research!


  1. Amazing! Where is my share?

    Nora de Nora
    Private Detective

  2. In my estomach because you were esleeping!
