Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chocolate Heaven

If my sleepy brain remembers correctly, I know some people who think they have a dessert with this name. However, tonight was born proof that they need a new name. This "tart" is 72845042859% Ghiradelli semisweet chocolate chips, so no doubt it was amazing.

Brownie "tart" from the crazy Barefoot Contessa. First you melt 2 c chocolate chips (the quality really, really, really matters so splurge and get something good!) and 6 tbsp butter in a double boiler until things are thick and creamy and you almost want to jump in and bathe in the stuff. With the kitchen aid workhorse, mix up three eggs (your choice as to how many whites and yolks you want to use; I used one whole egg and two whites) with 1 c sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, and 1 tsp instant coffee. (Use the coffee! If you don't want the caffeine, use decaf like us; if you don't like coffee, don't worry, you won't taste it--it just enhances the chocolate flavor; if you don't like chocolate, get out!). Turn the mixer on low and leave it on while you stir together 1/2 c flour (we actually used almond flour because we were out of all-purpose, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp salt, and another cup of your awesome chocolate chips. (Flouring the chocolate chips is supposed to help them not sink to the bottom. I forgot this step, but I'm not sure if they sunk or not, because it didn't really rise so there wasn't really a bottom or a top.) Put the dry ingredients in the wet, then add the chocolate and butter mixture. (If it's before dinner, don't do what I did and eat half the chocolate-butter mixture because it's the best thing you've ever tasted. Not that I'm allowed to talk.) Mix well and pour into a tart pan, or a 9" round, your mouth, etc. If it survives until the oven, bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Inside is gooey chocolate heaven, so don't expect a toothpick to come out completely clean.

My advice is to do this when you can be sure you'll be by yourself; it's not the kind of thing you'll want to share. :) And no, there are absolutely NOT pictures of the final thing! Would you have been wasting time taking pictures when you could have been eating it?! Of course not!


  1. I OBJECT. VIGOROUSLY. First of all, I do not recall being informed of this. Second of all, where are the pix of the FINISHED PRODUCT?? I do not accept that baloney that you were eating it. You always manage to take pix before you eat! I demand an immediate explanations.

    Nora de Nora
    Private Detective

  2. Lol yes your sleepy brain does remember correctly Scoop of Heaven needs to be added to this site!! sadly, no pictures......
